Ativan (Lorazepam)

Ativan (Lorazepam)

Price: $1.00

Categories: ANTI ANXIETY

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Buy Ativan Online

Ativan is a medicine which comes under a group of medicines known as benzodiazepines. Ativan directly works and affects the chemical of the brain and central nervous system, which are unbalanced due to many factors like stress, anxiety and so on. It is a sedative drug, which means it induces sleep. Ativan is a generic name and it comes as a brand name of Lorazepam. Ativan is mostly given in the form of anaesthesia before any surgery to make the person sleep. If you want to buy Ativan online, power online pharmacy is the right place from where you can this drug. It can be used while combining with other drugs. It is a prescription medicine.


Mostly doctors use it give their patients in the form of anaesthesia, before any surgery because it allows the person to sleep for some period.
It is used for patients of depression and anxiety, as it affects the unbalanced chemicals of the brain, by allowing them to be in balanced manner.
If the person is having seizures, it is used to treat that disease.
If the person is having problems while sleeping, like having sleep disorders which is commonly known as insomnia, then Ativan works its best to let them sleep for certain time.


The dose of Ativan depends on many factors like age, medical condition, how the first dose if affected the body and for what purpose this medicine is prescribed. The drug comes in three strengths 0.5mg, 1 mg and 2 mg. The standard dose for anxiety is .5 mg. Before you increase the dosage, it is important to consult a doctor.

Where to Buy Ativan Online

In Power online pharmacy, Ativan for sale online is available at affordable rates and you can order here without prescription and get the delivery at your home.

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